A Year In The Blog
it's happened
i've done it
i'm finished
thank you to anyone who's found yourselves here
and an especially big thank you to those who've come back
this is it
that's all he wrote
at least, i believe, for a little while now
writing here
over these past 365 days
has been so inspiring
and real
my only advice
at the end of all this
is to pick a year
any year
and try to write something down
once every day
you could always just come back to this place
(while perhaps not the world's most memorizable title)
will remain as a part of this universe
for perhaps somewhat longer than even we'll see
and it's all here
to be read and re-read
looked back on
or discovered
by some
for the very first time
i want to thank all of you
and apologize for getting swept up
towards the end of this magical process
i can tell you with certainty that every day was an entry
every single, single day
even if it took a bit longer
before you could read them up here
i hope that these words have at least meant a little to you
i dreamt it that way
and believed that they could
know and have faith that this experiment
was never just meant for one person
but all...
thank you again
to anyone out in the blog-o-sphere
this year is dedicated
to sarah for the insight
to rosie for the inspiration
to friends for their comments
to my family for getting it
and to matt for support every step of the way
"more later."
"if you are ready"
of that i can sure guarantee
"thank you for your time"
"people of the cozmos"
this journey has meant more than you'll know
with love
Congrats on the year of blogging! I started my blog as a week, then a month, then six months... and now it's been over two years.
I hope you come back. It's a form of therapy. :)
A year Well Lived--it's been great to learn so much from and about you. Enjoy the vacation!! Dad
Thanks you so much for sharing your story. I hope you continue to write here. I will always be a fan!
I can't believe its OVER! CONGRATULATIONS on achieving your goal!! However, I think we're going to have to start a duo-blog, where we can write down all of our misadventures and "conquests"...that is if/when I make it to good ol' NYC! HA HA HA! Hang in their, you hot bitch, and just remember, if you have any problems, you always got yo' jewel encrusted blackberry...KNOW HOW TO USE IT!
Congrats! Thanks for all the great posts and all the great photographs. Especially the photographs. You've inspired me to be more adventurous with my own camera and to play with light/night shots more . . . . I really hope that even if you don't have the time to write that you'll still give your audience quick glimpses into your life through your inspiring photos!
Oh, and goodluck with the screenplay! :)
YOU DID IT!!! I'm very proud.
I miss you ... but I am glad I found you when I did.
All my love ...
Are you ever coming back to update us?
Are you ever coming back to update us?
i discovered your blog through my friend (heather b). i love all your photos of london...i was there last year, almost at this time. i've been to the same discount tickets at leicester square. sat at the fountain in trafalgars square. oh, memories. i am sad to hear your ending your blog, because certain stories should be continued and told. but anyways, best of wishes.
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