Wednesday, October 11, 2006

National Coming Out Day

the knowledge that you are just how god made you
the resounding assurance that there's belief in yourself

the truth will set you free
if it hasn't already

and the most accurate judge of character
comes from the bravery of risking
enlightening the afraid

now is the time to be living
now is the time to be young
change is happening
it is now

perceptions are being shifted
every single day that we're here

whisper it
stash it in your journal
confess it to a friend
or shout it from the rooftops

this is your life
own every inch of it

i'm so very proud
of all of us
of every single one

struggle is inevitable

but i wouldn't change who i am
what i've experienced
who i've encountered
or all that i've learned

for this whole, entire world

National Coming Out Day
is just a calendar date
a conversation piece
a blip on the radar

but your life
is every moment following

live it
live it
live it
forever on your terms


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