May Sweeps
Last night I printed off the tickets...
May 5th - 9th South Florida: Tampa and Key West
May 12th - 15th Austin, Texas
May 19th - 23rd Fayetteville, Arkansas
Yessir, I'm headin' down South for the Month a' May and Good God Almighty, I couldn't be HAPPIER!
On the upcoming agenda, we're kickin' things off with the Graduation of Prince Matthew Steven the Second (alongside a few extraneous days at the beaches of his glorious Sunshine State)...
To be immediately followed by the last four days on set in Austin, Texas for the independent feature I'm starring in...
And rounding out my Down South Travels is none other than the final High School Graduation that's gonna be coming out of the Clark Clan, that of my baby sista' sista' Susan...
Big moments. Big opportunities. Big turning points for all. I honestly couldn't be prouder. The only setback is that it just takes a lot of "air"time to make a month like this possible.
In fact, when all is said and done, I'll be spending at least fifteen days out of State this upcoming month. Which pretty much just allows me time to start PACKING again on the days that I'm back here!
Yep. Yep. Yep. A lot of change is on its way. "Now or Never" could definitely be the new slogan. I feel ready. As ready as I can be. And grateful too, for all life's unexpected blessings.
So, here we go.
Life is moving on.
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