Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Sex on a Dance Floor

Is it wrong that I picked these two items up for myself on the way home from work?
Or is it even more wrong that I feel so gay as a result I wouldn't entirely object to a redneck kicking my ass if he knew?
Ah, the mysteries of the world!
But on to the criticism! Because seriously, where would we be without critical thinking and bright pink packaging to project it upon?
The Sex and the City Complete Series Box Set: what can I say? I've seen every single episode an estimated Four hundred and seventy nine times each, so unless the season finales comes in 3-D or every other episode contains a never before discovered code where Sarah Jessica Parker's voice can be heard screaming "DIE! CATTRALL! DIE!" while the sound plays backwards to the music of "Dark Side Of The Moon" --I really don't know what they're gonna do to surprise me.
I just fucking had to have it.
(will keep you posted on the Bonus Features though...)
Now, Ms. Madonna, Lady Madge, Queen of all things Kabbalah: I have listened to your newest CD and while I love, love, love you (maybe more than life itself) you know I have always been honest about your music and stage shows in the past. The Good, The Bad, The Fabulous, I've called you out on all of it and I must say after listening to your latest recording endeavor (albeit only one and a half times thus far) I've got to tell you that I think it is quite possibly my favorite in a very, very long time.
"Confessions on a dance floor" is quite simply phenomenal.
Simultaneously haunting, futuristic, beat-driven, mellow, nostalgic and original, this feels more like the type of music I would be listening to -regardless of her name being attached- in as long as I can remember.
A good little bit of it sounds alarmingly like music she's produced in the past. Layers of "Push" conjure up the exact tones of "Like A Prayer." The "Future Lovers" bassline is a near duplicate of what played during the brilliant Japanese anime segment of her Drowned World Tour. And lyrics like "going down my own road," have certainly exited her lips in song before. But frankly when you are at the Madonna legendary status, cases like this are probably considered more or less self-sampling than just accidental repetition.
Now I could do without banality like her not-entirely-truthful "I Love New York." (I mean if she loves it so damned much, why the hell aint we neighbors?) Or make that "neigh-BOURS" in her case. However a song like "Isaac" more than makes up for an out-of-place diddy like "New York." All in all "Confessions" flows from one track to the next with such glassy, glossy perfection it can only be described as an uncommonly rare high note in a breed of space-y, trance-y music that has nearly been done to death.
So run out and buy it if you can. The only things "Confessions on a dance floor" needs are a candlelit lounge and a steady supply of popsicles.
I can not wait for the first time I hear it out in that very environment.
But in the meantime I'll continue to dance around my apartment in socks.


Blogger BB said...

Yeah, I'm definitely jealous that you got not 1, but 2 PINK presents for yourself!! I only got 1 ;)

9:58 AM  

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