Thursday, November 10, 2005

Think Pink!

It's difficult for me to handle the popularity of one of my favorite sites on the web,
I love it and find it to be so guiltlessly delicious, like Diet Country Time Lemonade in the Summer months. No, make that Diet "Pink" Country Time Lemonade in the Summer months.
It's just that this site is so different from what I'm doing here. So much more accessible in a way.
I would hope that you wouldn't have to know who I am to get something out of but I KNOW that you don't have to know who Trent is (he's the blog's creator) to get something out of PinkIsTheNewBlog.
You all should go to his site if you haven't already. You can link it straight off of mine if you simply shift your gaze slightly up and to the right.
You'll see great new pictures of celebrities and funny comments that are updated daily and (if this is your sort of thing) you'll probably end up frequenting his site much more than you do mine- whether you know me well or not.
And that's OK.
It's like comparing Apples and Pink Grapefruits. I'm happy that there is room for both his blog and mine.
All I know how to be is truthful.
All I can do is my best.
I do secretly wish that my words and photographs could be as captivating to the masses as Mary Kate Olsen's latest Starbucks run or Britney Spears' most recent fashion mistake. But I know that it isn't and I also know that that's not what I'm about anyway. It's just not really why I'm here.
So blog away Trent! We might even be friends if I lived in Detroit or if you lived in Manhattan. And I like what you have to say.
I'll keep reading.
And, don't you worry, I'll keep on writing too.


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