just try to
first major setback
is right
events like losing your expected home
affect a relationship
the fighting has already begun
the worry, the concern
i'd attempted to find this apartment
before matt moved up here
to alleviate the very stresses
of searching through the muck & mire
that i wanted to spare him
so i could just present the gift of a brand new home
worry free
no strings attached
the muck & the mire were to be avoided at all costs
but here we are
smack dab in the middle of it
there's a blog that i occasionally read
written by two friends
it is similar to this
in that it's more or less the story of a life
or in their case, lives
living and loving
in our fair new york city
their site drops names of the celebrities they see on the street
and tells of exact locations of dates that they go on
it comments on the latest ejected american idol
and fills readers in on their painfully dragged out apt. search
it's interesting
sometimes only mildly
but i go there
because they seem like driven, smart
new york city boys
the type that i could actually be friends with
and i read it for the same reasons i read most blogs
they are just so instantly, deliciously addictive
but the other day
after many, many entries
explaining their attempts to acquire the lease
to a brooklyn apartment
and then their distress over losing that opportunity
to someone else
they announce suddenly that
each will be returning
to their hometown of minneapolis
to sort out the next phase of their lives
unable to have fully moved past this loss
i thought
how could this have happened
to these two
i mean, their shocking, immediate card fold
honestly scared me
just a little bit
but still
it scared me
yet made me pity them too
i insist
will not be happening
to us
i demand
will not be tearing
us apart
i promise
will not make us
give in
the comments
on josh and josh's site
were mostly of the
"geez, too bad but good luck guys"
one person, on the other hand
just wrote the word
and i honestly somehow
with the asshole
with the jerk
character is built
through obstacles
you never grow
if ya just give in
i'll jump off my soapbox now
i promise
i genuinely do wish these strangers
the best of luck
like all their other
supporters do
the fact remains
that new york
is bigtime
it doesn't suffer many fools
and you CAN make it anywhere, if you can make it here
i'm staying
i'll be here
for the long haul
born and bred
well, almost anyways
they'll have to drag me out
kicking and screaming
cause this place is as good as it gets
for sure
even, believe it or not
when you're looking for a place to rest your weary head
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