Thursday, March 09, 2006


Well, the old saying goes that "You get what you pay for." And with the free morning newspapers available at almost every subway stop, this expression seems to remain as true as ever.

Sure these "publications" provide the valuable service of keeping us from noticing how creepily we are being watched and by how many strangers as we make our twice daily commute. But, my god, this is news?

Why don't we just go back to writing about who Jessica Simpson is potentially sleeping with. Oh wait, we never stopped writing about who Jessica Simpson is potentially sleeping with.

I swear that 99.99% of what is put in front of our eyes and ears via television, print or radio is nothing more than cleverly marketed distractions from the abominable acts happening as a result of our government both here and overseas.

If word gets out that Paris Hilton is on the Bush Administration's payroll...Well Damn! That'll make one TRULY juicy Us Weekly cover article!

Which calls to mind another tried and true old standby, the classic phrase "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." And, sadly, lawd knows that we all do need some distractions from time to time. Especially with the way things are going these days.

So with that, let me present to you the first Reese's Peanut Butter Cup "Egg" of the season. The best candy, hands down, in the history of the universe. And frankly the only one that matters.

Mmm-mm-mm-mm-mm! Enjoy!


Blogger mark said...

oh wow. i'm so excited to try these. i loves me some reese's!!

10:58 AM  

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