Wednesday, February 15, 2006

spring, start, light, breathe, green

i woke up this morning to the sound of birds chirping
now i know nothing about birds, but whatever the species, it had to of been the exact same kind that i would wake up to every morning in my hometown of fayetteville, arkansas
very nostalgic
the whole day continued in this fashion
the morning sun felt like elementary school
the dew smelled of dawn darkness and adolescence
liriope popped out as a familiar friend
while feelings of spring were everywhere
well, spring and easter and fayetteville
the new school and possibility and home
sharp afternoon sun beat down upon the racket ball courts and sent a flashbulb memory of myself lying in the grass while reading "the stranger" for the first time
when no doubt's "don't speak" hummed from the car radio i was shocked to be reminded that the song was over ten years old
even the taco bell we stopped into alongside the highway harkened back to hour long lunch breaks and the dramas of high school
the flight was like so many before it
and now i'm safely "home"
a new nostalgia
sad to be away from the place i feel so right in
but glad to know i feel right here too


Blogger Becca said...

I feel so very close to this post. Any day it gets a little warmer or any time I'm in a car without skyscrapers on every side of me, I feel the same way I felt reading this. You amaze me and I always wish I knew you better.

6:20 PM  

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