Friday, February 10, 2006

dr. phil

tonight will be dancing
in the meantime i wait

relationships are interesting
they will take you to places that you never would dream of
and shapeshift in ways you could never have planned

when you find it
hold on
grip ever tighter and tighter
reminding yourself that it's real

get past the hard times
get past your negativity
because honestly
that's what it takes

every morning will bring a new challenge
every evening will bring a new joy

as a single person
which i was for decades upon decades...
i would always say in agony
to a friend over cocktails
or a roommate beside the tv
"life is not meant to be spent alone"
"we were designed to walk side by side"

i stand by that notion
we are better in pairs
more alive, more awake to the world
and somehow
more ourselves

right now
i am happy to be in front of the computer
in the dark
with lindsey asleep beside me
and my boyfriend away
off at work

sometimes the awareness
of his existence in the world
is all that i need to keep going

be you single or married
engaged or alone
hold tight to the notion of love
if that is a feeling that guides you

tonight will be dancing
in the meantime i wait


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for making this the best birthday ever. I have had so much fun spending time with you and tomorrow will be even better as I know you love Disney. I can't wait till every day can be like this for us, waking up next to you, coming home to you. This was really a beautiful entry as you are an amazing writer. You could not have put it better.

11:40 PM  
Blogger Sabrew said...

Where can I find my "Chris" I hope you appreciate what you have Matt!!!!!!!!!

4:58 PM  
Blogger cgc182 said...

I DID NOT delete the comment listed above...
if anyone is still reading this comment section from a few days back and knows how something like this could happen without my knowledge then PLEASE let me know, cause it makes me feel like someone is able to hack into this blog. And that makes me VERY nervous! And even more than nervous, it makes me VERY angry!


10:48 PM  

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