RULE #1: Just because you're thankful that its a Friday, DO NOT go to a TGI Fridays.
RULE #2: Just because you're having a good time, DO NOT start doing shots of SoCo and lime.
RULE #3: Just because you've gotten drunk, DO NOT initiate a water fight in the middle of the TGI Fridays that you shouldn't have been at in the first place.
RULE #4: Just because your co-workers recommended the TGI Fridays based solely on its cost-saving $3 Margarita and 1/2 price appetizer special, DO NOT listen to them. Each of you will walk away feeling disgusting 1. Because you just went to a TGI Fridays and 2. Because you all still somehow managed to spend $80 each on drinks alone AT A TGI FRIDAYS!
RULE #5: When even TGI Fridays decides to cut you and your co-workers off by letting you know that they won't be serving any more alcohol at your table, it is officially time to Stop Drinking. DO NOT then walk across 56th Street and enter the local P.J. Carney's Irish Tavern for a tenth night cap of Ketel One and tonic.
RULE #6: Just because you're hung over, feel like Tara Reid on any given Sunday and have barf breath worse than Nicole Richie the week after Thanksgiving, DO still manage to get up, shower and make it to your 12:00 Pilates session. You will feel GREAT afterwards. And by GREAT I mean almost human...
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