Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the fight, back

blogger froze for over 4 hours last night
all of blogger.com
for as far as I can tell
i'm afraid
that i am the cause.
i wrote a semi-pseudo-quasi cleverly edited
little entry
at around 8:05 pm
about two people who I was tired of seeing
on magazine covers.
the entry
not so much cruel
as just ranting,
a pointless
waste of thought
and space.
i could have written so much more
so much better
i could have challenged myself
to re-find my voice
never give up
re-ignite the part of me
that can do more than just
destroy what i have nothing to do with
my negativity
i fear
caused blogger to shut down
and for that
people of the cozmos
i am sorry.

I dream in reality television
my dream-fights
go quickly
commercial breaks
come often
in the form of jolts back into
T.V. is bad
so deliciously good
such a waste of time.
after vegging out
for about three hours or so
in front of the boob tube
last night
I finally turned it off
at around 10 pm
only to remember that a friend had reminded me that
Sarah Jessica Parker was a guest on Leno
instead of saying
enough's enough
i guess
for tonight,
at 10:01
sat my ass right back down
and checked out
of anything that matters
for the next two hours.
luckily I was strong enough
to finally say
when Isaac Mizrahi followed SJP
on the couch.
I am telling you
I almost didn't make it.

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