Tuesday, October 10, 2006

11 days more...

just eleven days remain
after this one

the year will be over

from october 22, 2005 to october 21, 2006
"A Year in the Blog"
then this project, as we know it
will at once be no more

i wouldn't have any reason to remember
this time
last year
aside from these archives
these relics, these tales

all i know
is that a deeper calling rang from inside of me
"put it out there" it said
"all of it"

express, exhibit, dissect, discover

i have to say that for a while
in recent months
i was beginning to think that this whole thing would wrap up
with a giant, surprise and shock ending

matthew and myself would be suddenly over
and i'd be writing my final entries from a laptop in london
sorting through the mess
coming to terms with this separation
picking up the pieces of a life that was once again mine

but i won't be in england
not today or tomorrow
and there isn't nor will be a cliffhanger
or trick

this is my life
the tiny, mundane, self-indulgent events of it
no exaggerations or lies permitted

not that it isn't difficult at times
as all of ours are

it's simply the end of a short spell of time
the rounding and closure of a cyclical span

just eleven days remain
after this one

then the day to day
of the day to day
is once again


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